Wellcome to National Portal
Main Comtent Skiped

List of services

Loan activities
Services provided (in brief)
Members of the affiliated group / association have to submit the application for credit and submit to the team / manager of the society. All members of the association by the manager are presented in the meeting of the Planning Management Committee and the total loan paper of the party / members is prepared. All the members of the party including the documents prepared by the manager send the loan application to the upazila headquarters. Upazila Rural Development Department is represented in the loan selection committee to verify the loan application. The decision was taken in the meeting of the loan selection committee and the upazila lending committee was sent. After accepting the decision by the Upazila Credit Committee, the approval of the Deputy Director was accepted. Later, the lender was apprised of the loan sanction by the manager / loan committee member. According to the distributed loan policy, the account holder's loan loan by the organizer of the loan account is recorded in the pass book and written in loan statement. The money collected is deposited in the bank with a three-part deposit slip. The bank deposited by the field organizer is deposited in the deposits of the Samiti and the upazila office. Monthly earnings reports are prepared and sent after the accounting of the bank slip with the preparation of short shading, loan laser and cashless.

Capital structure (shares and savings)
Services provided (in brief)
The weekly / fortnightly meeting days from the members of the affiliated group / association are encouraged to deposit the shares / savings and the shares / savings are collected by writing in the pass book. The acquired shares / savings associations / parties are recorded in the weekly receipt sheet. The accrued share / savings are credited to the bank through a three-part invoice. According to the bank, the accounts of the upazila offices and groups / associates are recorded and dividend is given on the basis of share / savings on a yearly basis. Monthly report of capital formation was prepared and sent to the district office.

Training activities
Services provided (in brief)
For the team / association members, the team members of the team submitted application to the Upazila Rural Development Office for training in accordance with the training needs. The applications were presented at the meeting of the Upazila Committee. The candidates are selected by the committee to consider the needs / qualifications of the members of the group / association. After that training schedule was created, training subjects and trainers were selected. Training work is done according to training budget and training is done. After completion of the training the certificate is provided and the completion of the training is sent to the senior office.